Saturday, July 12, 2014

Kaleo: Weeks 6 & 7!!

Dear Friends and Family,

Week six was a week for the books!!  It's starting to sink in that the summer of my life is almost over and I'm really sad about that. (I’m pretty sure I talk about being sad that Kaleo is almost over in every blog post…sorry)  This week though was a fun one for sure!! It was the fourth of July and we spent it in seaside!  Seaside has become one of my favorite places to go this summer! We got to walk around and eat at one of my favorite food trucks down there, The Meltdown.  Then we got to watch the most amazing firework show on the beach!  This week also marked a monumental moment for me…I had my first waffle house experience haha!! Abby and me decided to treat us to an all-star special Sunday morning before church!  I have to say that I am now a waffle house lover!

Week seven we had mission’s conference! I was kind of dreading it… I was excited because it meant a short work week and a long weekend but I was quick to judge what would happen that weekend.  Going into missions conference I was convinced that all that they were going to talk about was the StuMo team in India and try to recruit us to go to India with them next summer blah blah blah.  But no it was nothing like that.  I learned so much about what it means to be a missionary and how missions got started in the United States and a lot of history behind mission work.  Todd Aaron was our speaker for the weekend and he was INCREDIBLE!!  

I can not think everyone who helped me get here enough!  Because of generous friends and family I have been able to grow in my relationship with  Christ, watch others grow, and learn so much more than I ever thought I could learn about the gospel and what is looks like to share my faith.  I've made so many new friends, and even more unforgettable memories this summer!

In Christ,
Mary Kate

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